Blog - Conference Program online

As promised in yesterday's blog post, the preliminary program for ACM ITiCSE 2011 is now online and can be found following the Attendees -> Program at a Glance link. Compared to the previous shortened version, you can now access the program in six different ways:

  1. Using the final program PDF, which includes information on all sessions, papers, posters, and paper abstracts, as well as some maps.
  2. Using the overview image or the associated PDF file. This only gives the schedule of sessions and their titles, but not paper / author information.
  3. The program at a glance (no longer available) option shows an overview of all available sessions. Simply click on a session title to see more details.
  4. The program ordered by submission titles (no longer available) lists all current entries in the program in alphabetical order.
  5. The program ordered by author name (no longer available), as the name indicates, shows who has which publication(s) at the conference.
  6. Finally, there is a view of the program that you can individually adapt to your taste (no longer available) by selecting the sessions you want to attend to get your very own conference schedule!

We are quite proud of the conference program, and hope that you will agree with us :-).

Dr. Guido Rößling, March 8, 2011

© Dr. Guido Roessling 2018